Saturday, May 10, 2008

Couple of funny thoughts from me...

Posted on my MySpace- Thursday, June 29, 2006

Technology is out to get us... It's inteligent, it KNOWS. When you first get it, it's the latest, greatest piece of tech, and works like a dream.
Give it a week. Then it becomes the possed demon child that you want to give back. And it KNOWS when you're taking it in to get fixed. Technology
is like that little annoying kid who always acts up, no matter what you do. So you take him to someone to get him straightened out. You drop him off,
go home, sip on a latte and wait for everything to be okay. You finally get the call, you go back. The person smiles at you sweetly and goes- "There's
nothing wrong. We did all the tests, and everything works fine. I don't know what your issue is, this kid is the smartest, brightest, most behaved kid
I've ever met." Meanwhile, behind the person's back, the kid is making faces, flipping you off, taking a vodoo doll of you and beating it mercilessly
into a table.

Ya know how I work at a used furniture store, right? Well, we occasionally get calls where people are selling stuff and they want to know if we'd be
interested in buying their stuff. The ones I love are these- "OMG, I need you to get my stuff today or tomorrow cause I'm moving like now, OMG." You're
moving so quickly that you only have 2 days to get rid of your stuff? In my head this prompts questions like- Are you being evicted? Are you going to jail
for an extended period of time? Do you owe someone money and/or your soul? Do I expect to see you on America's Most Wanted next week? I want to be like-
"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to sign this release form stating that neither the police nor big, scary men dressed in leather are going to be excpecting
the merchandise and/or money." I wish people would be honest- "OMG, I need to sell my stuff cause I need money to go to Mexico cause I just shanked
someone." or "OMG, I need the money cause I ran out of crack money and I'm going through baaaaaaad withdraw." Ya know, something more tangible. If you're
truly moving of your own free will, I highly doubt that you sit there, get everything packed and go- "Damnit, in order to take my Gloria Estafan CD
collection, I'll have to leave behind the TV, sofa and a few beds.... What to do.... Oh! I should sell them!!!!! But I leave tomorrow..... Oh well, I
should at least give it a try, then I'll have more money for my trip. Yay!"

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