Saturday, May 10, 2008

OMFG, sooooooo much stress

For some freaking reason I'm totally stressed out of my mind... I'm so stressed that even music isn't calming me down... I'm a music nut. Music always calms me down... But I'm just so freaking stressed and pissed off right now. I want to punch my hand through a wall. I want to beat my head into the table. I need an outlet for all this BS that keeps pilling up... None of the normal de-stressing things are working. I have no clue why I'm so stressed right now... This is day 3 of a 4 day weekend I have. I should be totally calm and in a good mood....

Maybe it's cause I went up to my work... I talked to my boss... I have next weekend off so that I can go to Oklahoma City for my girl's football game. Which is awesome. But I'll have 3 days off this coming up week, so my check is probably going to suck balls. And I just got told that we're probably getting rid of the Mobile Unit soon. That fucking blows. That means that I'll be going from making $11/hr to making like $5/hr plus commission. Oh, but they're sending me to Tech 2 training here in a couple days. So if I get moved up to a Tech 2, then I'll be making $6 something an hour plus commission. Excuse me while I do cartwheels of joy. ::rolls eyes:: I know that I don't like the mobile unit that much because I sit on my butt for 10 hours a day- but I need the hours and the $11/hr. I can't go back to the commission shit. Especially not with a ton of new people that we just hired. I'll be having to bust my ass and fighting off people to get work. That fucking blows. This is complete horseshit. I finally get everything working good, then they do this to me. Why can't I just have everything stay good for once?!

Sorry about that... I'm going to sit down and watch a movie now and maybe calm the fuck down.

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