Friday, October 17, 2008

zomg, I forgot about this...

Seriously though- totally forgot about this blog. LOL. My girl has to use Blogger for school, and I got on hers with a blog I created forever ago that I don't ever post on. Seriously- ever.

What's up with me? Stressed the heck out over work. We got rid of the Mobil Unit- I'm now at $6-something/hr plus commission. Yays. ::rolls eyes:: I hate how inconsistent it is... I get checks that are around $700, then I get checks that are around $500. Boo, hiss. My last check that I got today was $500 something... And I left it in my box at work. Motherfuck! I have to go get that tomorrow. That's how stressed I am- I need money, and when I get it, I forget it. Grrr.

Tomorrow I'm hopefully going to the Austin Alt-Car Expo. That would totally freaking rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would get me all excited, so I'd probably get a lot of stress out. Wo0t! Lets just how I go... And if I do- I'll be posting a full review on my MySpace blog cause that's where I throw all my picture blogs...

I broke one of my fingers earlier- and I use all my fingers to type, the right way- so I'm going to go ahead and cut this short cause it's painful right now.

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